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AC Repair – How to Keep Your AC System Running Properly

A professional technician thoroughly inspects your air conditioner during a routine maintenance appointment. This thorough assessment helps them identify any potential issues or wear and tear that might cause a breakdown in the future.

AC Repair

This preventative process helps you avoid expensive AC Repair Round Rock costs in the future. It also ensures your home is always comfortable for your family.

The condenser is one of the most critical components of an AC system. It takes the high-pressure refrigerant that comes in gaseous form from the compressor and transforms it into a liquid state so that it can transfer heat from your home to the air. It does this by passing the refrigerant through a series of coils that are arranged to maximize heat transfer efficiency.

If the airflow through the condenser is obstructed, your system will have a hard time cooling your home effectively. The best way to keep your condenser clean and in good working condition is to have your HVAC technician clear the area around it on a regular basis. This will help ensure that it is always working at maximum efficiency.

A faulty condenser unit can put a lot of strain on the rest of your system, leading to poor performance and possibly premature failure. This is why it is a good idea to get a high-quality condenser for your system if you are replacing it. It will work better with the air handler and will last longer, saving you money in the long run.

Among the most common AC repair issues is that the condenser coils are dirty. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including dirty air filters, clogged ducts, and low refrigerant levels. The good news is that cleaning a condenser coil is relatively easy for an experienced technician.

Another common problem is that the condenser fan is not working properly. This may be due to a blown capacitor, bent blades, or a dead motor. It is possible to replace the fan motor or blower assembly on an existing condenser, depending on the cause of the problem.

An increase in leaks from the condenser is also a sign of a faulty unit. This can lead to a loss of refrigerant, which is not good for your compressor or your system as a whole. A leaking condenser can also damage your home’s ductwork and lead to a reduction in indoor comfort.

Keeping your condenser clean and getting it repaired promptly by a professional AC repair company can help ensure that it stays in good working condition. Regular maintenance and inspections by an experienced technician will help reduce your system’s breakdown rates.

The Evaporator

Your AC evaporator coil is a crucial part of your system. Its absorption of heat from the air within your home is what starts the cooling process. Unfortunately, your evaporator coil can develop problems that affect the overall performance of your AC. The best way to keep your evaporator coil and the rest of your air conditioning working properly is to perform routine maintenance.

Located inside your air handler, the evaporator coil is made of metal and features U-shaped metallic tubes that easily absorb the warm air from your home. It also has metal “fins” that help the refrigerant circulate around the coil. This cools the refrigerant and turns it into a cold vapor that’s transferred to your condenser coil for further cooling.

A number of factors can cause your evaporator coil to develop a problem. One of the most common is a dirty air filter that can clog the coil. The clogged filter restricts airflow and causes the evaporator coil to work harder to cool your home. The evaporator coil can also be damaged by physical damage such as bent fins or electrical problems that result in short circuits.

Other issues that can negatively impact your evaporator coil include a faulty defrost cycle that prevents ice from forming on the coil, low levels of refrigerant fluid and corrosion of the metal coil. A frozen evaporator coil is often a sign that you need immediate AC repair.

The good news is that there are several things you can do to avoid problems with your evaporator coil, starting with regular maintenance. Changing the air filter two to three times per year will help reduce the amount of dirt that gets into the coil. You can also clean the outdoor unit of your AC and remove any vegetation or leaves that may be blocking its airflow.

However, repairing an air conditioner evaporator coil can require specialized tools not typically found in the average household toolkit. In addition, it’s important to work with a certified and trained professional who can perform the task quickly and efficiently.

The Compressor

The compressor is the heart of an AC system. It carries refrigerant from the condenser to the evaporator, which then cools the air in your home. The compressor is also responsible for absorbing heat from your home and transporting it to the condenser. Without a properly functioning compressor, your system cannot cool. A variety of issues can interfere with the operation of your air conditioning system’s compressor. These include:

A failing fan inhibits heat transfer and can cause your AC to shut off. This means that a repair or replacement fan is needed to keep your air conditioner running.

Blocked suction lines can also prevent your compressor from cooling properly. When these lines are too small, they restrict the flow of refrigerant into your compressor. This can overwork the unit, causing damage and resulting in a higher than normal energy bill.

Low refrigerant levels are another common AC problem. These are often the result of a leaky compressor. Fortunately, this can often be repaired by an experienced technician.

Strange odors can mean a problem with your compressor or ductwork. The odor may be caused by a clogged filter or dirty coils. It could also be the result of a problem with your thermostat. Regardless of the source, a professional inspection should be performed to ensure that your ducts are properly sealed.

Your AC technician will inspect the compressor for signs of a mechanical problem and replace any components that need it. This is why it’s important to schedule regular maintenance visits with a trusted HVAC company.

When you’re evaluating an AC repair company, look for one that is accredited by professional associations. This will offer proof that the technician is qualified to perform the work. Additionally, look for technicians who provide an in-person assessment of your system and propose solutions before giving you a quote. This way, you’ll be sure that the technician isn’t simply trying to sell you a new AC system. The assessment will also reveal other potential problems that you can have fixed before they become bigger ones. This can save you a lot of time, money and headaches down the road.

The Thermostat

The thermostat is the brains of your entire HVAC system. It keeps track of the current air temperature in your home and then tells heating and cooling equipment to turn on and off as needed. It’s also responsible for keeping track of the desired temperature settings, which can vary from room to room. Because of its critical role, it’s important to know when something might be wrong with your thermostat.

Thermostat Display is Dim or Blank

If your thermostat display screen goes dark, it could be a sign that the unit isn’t getting power. Check the batteries and the breaker in your home’s electrical panel to ensure that neither has been blown or tripped. If the problem persists, remove the thermostat cover and inspect for a dirty display screen, faulty wiring or loose screws.

Temperature Is Not Reaching Setpoint

If you’re still having trouble with your thermostat, it’s time to call for an AC repair technician. If your programmable thermostat isn’t following your pre-set temperatures, it may need to be replaced. An experienced technician will be able to find the right solution and replace it for you.

Alternatively, you might need to clean the unit itself or make sure that the vents aren’t blocked by furniture or other objects. A clogged or dirty filter can also restrict airflow and cause your cooling unit to overwork, which could lead to premature wear and tear.

Cooling Unevenly

If some rooms in your house feel cooler or warmer than others, it may be a sign that the ductwork needs to be cleaned, or the thermostat isn’t functioning properly. Thermostats often have error messages on their screens that name the problem, but older ones can also experience problems due to faulty wiring or old age.

You should never attempt DIY thermostat repairs. This is a task best left to an expert, since the device contains electrical connections that can cause bodily harm if you get it wrong. The good news is that our professional technicians can diagnose and fix any issues with your thermostat quickly and safely, so you don’t have to deal with the discomfort of an AC unit that doesn’t work as it should.